Face to Face
"At that moment, the Lord turned and looked at Peter..." Luke 25:54-62 I wasn't sure how the young man was going to react. Getting caught in a bald-faced lie is not a great way to start the day. To make matters worse, he was lying about not stealing. There he was guiltier than guilty having just broken two of the top ten commandments. His face went flush and he mumbled something as he walked away. He never did own up to what he had done and certainly never made restitution. I wish he would have, for his sake not mine. Jesus' friend Peter knew what it felt like to be called out for failing. He lied three times about not knowing Jesus. It was a tough spot to be in. I get it. Jesus was just arrested. His friends were on the run. He had no idea what was about to happen and what that would mean for him. He panicked and lied, three times. The rooster crowed. It was the signal Jesus had told Peter about a few hours earlier. It was then that Jesus turned towards Peter and t...