A friend of mine shared this story with me this week: a few weeks ago he was at a large event and he saw a friend of his in a line and went up and stood right behind his friend. The friend, in the midst of several hundred other people was "Unaware" of his presence, so in typical 2012 fashion he texted his friend, and then decided to call his friend and the entire time the friend was still "Unaware" he was right behind him. Finally he reached up and tapped his friend on the shoulder and the friend was completely startled with his presence. This story really got me thinking about how often we get caught up in all that is going on and are completely "Unaware" of Gods Presence. In Genesis Jacob is startled by this as well as he didn't know that God was accessible from anywhere and Jacob even acknowledges that he wasn't even aware! I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you ...