Let No One Separate

"This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one. Since they are no longer two but one, let no one separate them, for God has joined them together." Mark 10:7-9

The phrase "home improvement project" strikes a fearful chord in the members of my family. I tend to elevate the difficulty and painfulness of most projects I attempt to undertake. Normally, I call my dad for help with projects, (which may be why he screens my calls) but this time he was off the hook. The flooring was beginning to peel up at the seams and momma was not happy. So, I decided to tackle the project myself. The glue of choice? ... Liquid Nails. Amazing stuff really. Once it sticks two pieces of whatever together, there is no getting them apart without splintering, tearing, or shattering whatever has been stuck together. Thankfully, the floor seams haven't required anymore attention since their run-in with the Liquid Nails and momma is once again happy.

Some things aren't meant to take apart. Some things can only be torn to shreds in the attempt to take apart. Marriages are one of those things. Those who have suffered through divorce know full well the pain that accompanies it. Let me encourage you today. The pain or sacrifice demanded to keep momma happy is nothing compared to what is demanded in walking away. Whether married, married again or soon to be married, let no one separate.

Grace and Peace,



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