Spring Cleaning
This is the time of year that is we often hear people start to talk in terms of this Spring Cleaning Attitude that they are getting into, and this means something different for everyone. The Garage is the place that we typically tackle with this Spring Cleaning attitude. We remove all the items, sweep it out, empty the shelves and dust them off and next comes the fun. We play with things we had forgotten were there and then discuss what is still in good shape that we don’t need that someone else could use and if we know someone specific or if we should donate it. The next step is more difficult and that is we discuss what needs to be disposed of because for whatever reason it doesn’t have a place in our life any longer. In surveying the garage last night I started to take mental notes of items that might fall into that last category and then occurred to me that that this Spring Cleaning Attitude fits right in line with Matthew 12: 43-45. "When an impure spir...