March Madness

This is the time of year when whether you are an NCAA basketball fan or not you are going to hear about basketball.  If you are a fan, then you have no doubt been working through your bracket, trying to figure out who is going to win each game and ultimately win the National Championship. You are truly excited that March Madness has arrived.  I will admit that this is a fun time of year for me as I really enjoy college basketball.  This many quality games back to back is just a lot of fun to watch and enjoy with friends and family.  Sunday, after the selection show, I was watching all the commentary regarding the brackets from quite a few individuals with a great deal of knowledge about these teams.  It really struck me how they all put their personal spin on what team would eventually be the National Champion.  It seemed funny that they all had the same information, the same teams, and yet, they each put their own personal opinion into their analysis and developed a different answer.
This is exactly what people do with God's Word.
"Then I applied myself to the understanding of wisdom, and also of madness and folly, but I learned this, too, is chasing after the wind."  Ecclesiastes 1:17
We are being told in the scripture above that true “Madness” is when we allow the pursuit of human knowledge (worldly knowledge) to cause us to ignore God. This month, let's be sure the only Madness we have is that of basketball and let’s seek every opportunity to let God's Word shine through in the manner in which he intended and not on our interpretation that fits our personal preferences.
In Christ,
Matthew Likens


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