
"Listen to my pleading, O Lord.  Be merciful and answer me!  My heart has heard you say, 'Come and talk with me.'  And my heart responds, 'Lord, I am coming."  Psalm 27:7-8

On a regular basis, I'll say to one of my kids, "Sit down for a second.  Let's chat."  After convincing them that they are not in trouble, I let them know that I just want to catch up.  I want to know what they're thinking about and what's been going on in their world.  It's too easy to dwell in the same house and yet live disconnected lives.  Touch points are necessary for understanding, care, and genuine love.  

David, who wrote our verses for the day, apparently felt the same way.  He was crying out to God for connection.  How awesome was that to hear God respond to him with an invitation, "Come here David and let's have a chat."  The invitation had barely been issued and David says, "I'm coming Lord, I'm coming!"

Be encouraged today.  Our heavenly Father wants to have a chat with you too.  Even though he knows what you're feeling, thinking and experiencing, he still wants to connect with you.  Information alone does not make a relationship, heart to heart interaction does.  So, grab your Bible and a cup of coffee and head out to the porch.  Your honored Guest is waiting.

Grace and Peace,



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