
"They said to one another, 'Surely we are being punished because of our brother.  We saw how distressed he was when he pleaded with us for his life, but we would not listen; that's why this disaster has come upon us."  Genesis 42:21

I don't know why I did it.  Honestly, as a first grader, it was more simple impulse than calculated plan.  My neighbor had a silver dollar collection and I wanted one so I took it.  Like Poe's "beating heart" that coin haunted me until the day I discreetly returned it to its rightful owner.  

In this one verse snapshot of a much longer story, Joseph's brothers found themselves in a world of hurt.  Their conclusion? ... We are getting what we deserve for the horrible wrong we have done.  They ignored their brother's cries when they sold him into slavery.  He begged.  He cried.  He pleaded. They didn't care ... then that is.  But now?  They were haunted.  They were steeped in regret.  As the story unfolds, Joseph chooses to extend mercy.  He dealt with their soul parching regret with the life giving waters of forgiveness.

I don't know what your "silver dollar" is today, but you do.  I don't know the person in your world whose tears keep you tossing and turning at night, but you do.  Jesus' words, "Come to me all of you who are weary and burdened and you will find rest for your souls", are profoundly significant as we face the regrets in our lives.  He doesn't want us to live under the oppression of guilt and shame for one more day.  "Mercy triumphs over judgement", says James.  Grace truly is amazing.  Mercy and forgiveness are found at the cross. In Jesus, "we are not the sum of our past mistakes" as one song writer expressed it.  We are a new creation, God's masterpiece.
Grace and Peace,



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