
"Then Eliashib the high priest and the other priests started to rebuild at the sheep gate. They dedicated it and set up its doors, building the wall as far as the Tower of the Hundred, which they dedicated, and the Tower of Hananel." Nehemiah 3:1 

I have several lists in my life, some I write down, some I don't. These lists feel most like a collection of starting lines. I've observed that, in many instances in my life, the subsequent race attached to the starting line leaves me hesitating when the, "On your mark!", is called out. Other times, I'll take an item on the list and start running only to discover the item on the list never should have been there in the first place! It's all a bit wearying. These observations cause stories like the one in our reading for the day to feel like a cool rain on a scorching hot summer day.

Nehemiah laid out an item on his list: 1. Rebuild the wall around Jerusalem. His witness of God's affirmation to the project was sufficient for Eliashib the high priest to start. Was it a huge task? Yes. Would it be hard, dangerous and demanding? Yes. Yes. and Yes. Worth it? Eternally so, as it has become a part of God's everlasting word. As the story unfolds, Eliashib's start turned out to be a spark that inspired the entire community to rise up, start and do their part as well.

What lists are we working off of these days? Like he did for Eliashib, God is more than able to reveal his heart to us. The real question is, "Will we start?" God's looking for starters. More specifically, God is looking for you and me to be a starter. Our families are looking for starters. Our church families are looking for starters. Our workplaces are looking for starters. Our community is looking for starters. Since God is with us, why can't that starter be us?

Grace and Peace,



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