
“For the word of God is full of living power. It is sharper than the sharpest knife, cutting deep into our innermost thoughts and desires. It exposes us for what we are. Nothing in all creation can hide from him. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes. This is the God whom we must explain all that we have done."  Hebrews 4:12-13

I immediately knew something wasn't quite right. Unfortunately, the crystal clear pool water provided me no safe harbor from the reality that my swimsuit was now around my ankles. I moved quickly to rectify the situation, but I was pretty sure some of the poolside conversation revolved around the briefly appearing full moon in the middle of a hot, sunny day. Being exposed is typically a situation that most of us look to avoid.

Given that reality, verses like the ones for today can be more than a little troubling ... "innermost thoughts", "exposes", "nothing can hide", "naked and exposed"... Yikes!!! Add to that, at the end we're told, "We have some explaining to do." The idea that it's possible and perfectly okay to follow God in the light and then to "privately" think, speak, and act in ways contrary to his word is revealed here as a very foolish idea. 

Some of us reading this have done or are doing things we think are hidden. Nope. "Don't be fooled. God is not mocked. We will reap what we sow." Here's the great news though! If we are sowing the good stuff, exposure loses its intimidation. Here's more good news! For all that stuff we wouldn't want exposed, well, Jesus came to deal with that on the cross. The bottom line is this: the word of God is a spotlight that is always on. We don't get to choose if it's on us or not. We only get to choose what it is revealing.

Grace and Peace,

Tom Wiles


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