Wrong Way

“Get up and go to the great city of Nineveh. Announce my judgment against it because I have seen how wicked its people are. But Jonah got up and went into the opposite direction to get away from the Lord." Jonah 1:2-3a

As soon as I made the turn, something told me that things were not quite right. I'm sure it was my sharp tactical senses that alerted me and not the fact that the oncoming traffic was in the exact same lane as I was. Thankfully, I was able to swerve off the road before the inevitable and unfortunate lead news story materialized.

As our verses for the day clearly indicate, going the wrong way is not unique to me. Jonah got all turned around too. However, his wrong way moment was not caused by an unfortunate bad guess. He was on the run. Not from some dark sinister force. No, he was on the run from God! This wrong way decision led to that whole nasty belly of the fish business. Eventually, Jonah did do his job. However, we're never quite sure if his heart ever got headed in the right direction.

Both wrong way driving and wrong way living ought to be avoided at all costs. There is no upside and the downside is well ... ocean deep. As with Jonah, the issue is our heart. Are we prepared to go where God tells us to go? To do what he tells us to do? What if other people don't like it, get mad, and strike out against us? Stay true. Stay the course. Aren't you glad that Jesus did?

Grace and Peace,

Tom Wiles


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