
"Kind words are like honey -- sweet to the soul and healthy for the body." Proverbs 16:24

Every once in awhile, I make a point to really listen to myself speak. Regardless of the context, there are times that I startle myself with what I say. On the average, they roll out okay. However, there are times when I need to tell myself most emphatically to just "Shut up!"

The writer of the Proverb for the day noted this in a poetic way. Kind words are received like honey. They are sweet and they are nourishing for both the soul and body. Isn't that remarkable that words can reach both the material and the immaterial part of us. That's some really powerful stuff.

Today, we will speak thousands and thousands of words. Will they encourage, build-up and honor those who hear them. Or, will our words cut, belittle and disrespect the people with whom we do life? Remember this truth as you consider your words. The sweet and healthy blessing of kind words falls on both the speaker and the listener.

Grace and Peace,



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