
"So, we must listen very carefully to the truth we have heard, or we may drift away from it." Hebrews 2:1

As the huge barracuda circled back around towards me again, I quickly but carefully dropped to my knees on my paddleboard. I have horrible balance on those boards and the thought of falling off and drifting away from what felt like my only place of safety put a good scare in me. The teeth on that fish were like daggers and I had no interest in finding out how sharp they were.

The author of Hebrews was very concerned about drifting as well. Specifically, he didn't want them drifting from the truth. Apparently, this was as much a problem then as it is today. Jesus told us that truth sets us free. What does drifting from the truth do to us? The antidote to drifting as he presents it here is very careful listening. Watch out for loud distractions.

There is no substitute for truth. Many people are peddling alternate versions of truth knowingly or unknowingly leading people into the opposite of freedom. The Biblical message of peace with God through Jesus alone is the only truth backed up by a resurrection. It's time to identify and eradicate from our lives those things that move us from the stability of truth. 


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