He Is

 "Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare of the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I am trusting him. Psalm 91:1-2

While enjoying a day on the beach with my family, my wife and I took a long stroll together enjoying the sun, surf and people watching. It's a great sport, people watching. We're all so unique. Anyway, during the stroll, I looked up at a gentleman playing with his grandchildren having a blast. Then it hit me, he is the former coach of such and such NFL team! I wonder how many times a day he's asked, "Are you so and so?" 

Identity is a big deal. The Psalmist wanted everyone to know who it was that he was living under. We all make a choice who we are going to trust. He described powerfully and briefly just exactly who he was willing to trust with his life. The Most High. The Almighty. The Lord. His Refuge. His Place of Safety ... God. In choosing the divine He Is, he found rest for his soul. 

There are many pretenders in our world posing as the answer to our soul's deepest needs and longings. "All you need is me!" says wealth, popularity and power. "Experience me!", says lust and pleasure. They're all frauds. They're all temporary pacifiers meant to distract us from our souls true shelter. He Is is the big deal. He Is is who you've been looking for. Great news! He Is has been looking for you too.  


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