Growing Cold
"...Will there be any
sign ahead of time to signal your return and the end of the world? ... Many
will turn away from me and betray and hate each other. Many false prophets will
appear and will lead many people astray. Sin will be rampant everywhere and the
love of many will grow cold. But those who endure to the end will be
saved." Matthew 24:3-13
Every year in our house
around September/October, our family gathers around for the annual launch of
the gas burning fireplace. With just a few clicks of the starter, the pilot
light ignites followed by a quick turning of the knob. The orange flames spring
into action. For the next six months, that fireplace provides a magnetic warmth
and glow that almost always has someone nearby held fast in its grip.
As Jesus was painting a
rather grim picture of life as it nears the apocalypse, he spoke of a
dissipating warmth. It wasn't a decrease in the temperature as the sun went
down. It was a description of people's hearts as they began to lose concern for
the well being of others. It was a descent into coldness from which there would
be no recovery. However, those who like Jesus hold fast to love while
withstanding hate will be saved.
What is the thermometer in
your heart reading these days? When people cross your path, do they want to
stay there? Warmth is truly irresistible in a world that is steadily growing
colder by the day. Loving others is a costly proposition. Just ask Jesus. The
world was no friend to him, but his refusal to hate brought billions of eternal
souls into the family of God. Hold fast to the remarkable truth that God can do
great things with your heart of love too.
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