Wind Chasers

"But as I looked at everything I had worked so hard to accomplish, it was all so meaningless--like chasing after the wind. There was nothing really worthwhile anywhere." Ecclesiastes 2:11

So, this crazy light on the back door of our minivan kept popping out every time we closed the door. The pieces that lock it into place had tired. No amount of coaxing could get it to stay. "Fine," I said to myself. "I'll fix it." I set out on a lengthy engineering plan that required pieces from some junk in the garage, electrical tape, and precision placement. One door shut later, the whole thing came hopelessly apart. Ugh! What a waste of my time.

Solomon thought about wasted time more than anyone else. He pondered extensively all of life's activities, both the challenges and pleasures that it contains. His conclusion was rather dismal ... "Meaningless!" The stuff of earth had no ability to satisfy his restless soul. At the end of his disappointing experiential and observational journey, he concludes that the best plan is to fear God and obey his commands.

Running around trying to catch the wind strikes us as not only pointless, but more than a little odd. This reality was, of course, Solomon's point. The more difficult part for us to understand, much less embrace, is the equal sign he placed between chasing the wind and just about every goal, activity or experience we so tirelessly pursue in life. Yikes! Now what? "Come to me," Jesus said, "and you will find rest for your soul."


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