What Joy!

"Oh what joy for those whose disobedience is put out of sight! Yes, what joy for those whose record the Lord has cleared of guilt ... Finally, I confessed all my sins to you and stopped trying to hide my guilt. ... And you forgave me! All my guilt is gone." Psalm 32:1-5 

I'm just barely old enough to remember people using phrases like Groovy!Far out!, and Outta sight! My age group replaced them with Cool! and Awesome! I have no idea what the young people today use as equivalent expressions. Regardless, they all communicate a similar message. I like what is happening or what was just said. Throw an exclamation point on it and it means I really, really like whatever was said or done. As it turns out, people have had these types of expressions long before us.

I get the feeling David was in the loop on all the latest and greatest sayings of his day. Here he uses What joy! By using both the what and the !, he is over the top with joy as he writes this Psalm. What has him so excited? Why the passionate proclamation? In a word, forgiveness. He was absolutely astounded that the regret and shame that had crushed him for so long was lifted. His wrongdoing was no longer in view. His record was expunged. His guilt was gone. How cool is that?! Groovy to the max cool for sure.

What joy! Awesome! Outta sight! Whichever one you pick, they could never overstate the amazing wonder of being made right with God. When Jesus died on the cross for our sins, all the charges against us were nailed there with him. Ours is to humbly acknowledge before him our need for forgiveness. Whoever believes in him will be delivered from their guilt. We don't need to try to hide it anymore. We don't need to live wondering where we stand with God. Are you living under the weight of your sin or in the wonder of his mercy?


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