
"Now, son of man, I am making you a watchman for the people of Israel. Therefore, listen to what I say and warn them for me." Ezekiel 33
I read a story some time ago about Alexander the Great. One restless night he walked out of his tent to stroll through the camp of his massive army. He came upon one of the soldiers on guard duty who was sound asleep. After being woken up, the man was mortified as the punishment was immediate execution. Alexander looked him in the eyes and demanded his name. "Alexander," the man sheepishly replied. After a brutally painful pause, Alexander the Great said, "It's time for you to live up to your name."
Ezekiel the Prophet had a seriously tough job. Time and again the Lord gave him some of the most difficult and unusual assignments that a prophet had been given in the Bible. In today's chapter, we find Ezekiel given another responsibility -- Watchman. He now carried the extra burden of non-stop guard duty. He was accountable to someone infinitely greater than Alexander the Great. He was accountable to God. Watch. Warn. Sound the alarm. Listen to me and tell them what I say.   
Our world needs watchmen these days. Our community needs them. Our churches need them. Our families need them. You and I need to have them and be them. Faithful ambassadors from the Lord who in word and deed bear witness to the love of Jesus. There is no way to honestly say we love others and fail to share the Good News about Jesus. He died on the cross for our sin. He was buried. He rose again on the third day victorious over sin and death. The only way to have peace with God is through him. Calling all Watchmen! It's time to report for duty.


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