More Than Meets the Eye

"Moses accepted the invitation and settled there (Midian) with him (Jethro)...They (Israelites) cried out for help, and their cry rose up to God...He looked down on the people of Israel and knew it was time to act."  Exodus 2

Those of us who were teens in the 80's immediately recognize the phrase, "Wax on, wax off." In the movie Karate Kid, Mr. Miyagi trains his young student Daniel LaRusso by taking him to some old cars and teaching him how to wax. As the chores continue to grow, so does Daniel's frustration level. Finally, he had had enough. He gets ready to storm out when Mr. Miyagi has him perform the moves he learned with all the different tasks. They turn out to be the base set of karate defense. Whoa! Mind blown; Daniel continues his training.
In Exodus 2, we're introduced to a Hebrew man named Moses. His life story is a little unusual to say the least. He miraculously escapes death at birth. He's adopted by Pharoah's daughter where he grows up in wealth and privilege. He murders an Egyptian for beating a fellow Hebrew. He runs away to escape Pharoah, meets some Midianite shepherdesses, marries one and has kids. Then, God calls on his burning bush phone. It turns out all of Moses' life experiences were connected to a much bigger story, God's deliverance of Israel from Egypt.
Of course, the story of their deliverance was ultimately connected to Jesus and his mission. The truth is, so is our story. Without a doubt, there is so much more in play than meets our eyes. God is always at work. His providential hand is continually moving in your life and mine. Daniel wasn't just painting fences. Moses wasn't just watching sheep. You and I aren't just a pinball bouncing around being hit with divine flippers until our game is over. Nope. We're in the big leagues. This life is our time at the plate. Please don't miss the forest for all the trees.


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