No Way Out
"Hearing this the king was deeply troubled, and he tried to think of a way to save Daniel. He spent the rest of the day looking for a way to get Daniel out of this predicament." Daniel 6:1-28 After trying one more time to reach some sort of understanding and compromise, we both walked away as frustrated as ever. Stubbornly, we had given only lip service to a genuine surrender to and pursuit of God on this matter. The weight of this challenge strained our marriage and walls of bitterness began to build between us. We could see it clearly, but we were in the weeds too deep to navigate our way out. Graciously, with all other options exhausted, God led us to a mutually respected couple for counsel who helped us move forward through the maze of crazy. King Darius found himself in just such a place. Who would have thought, the great king of the Medo Persian empire found himself cornered by his own law. Not his position, nor his power, nor his strategic intelligence could do...