
 "For they had rejected my regulations, refused to follow my decrees, and violated my Sabbath days. Their hearts were given to their idols. Nevertheless, I took pity on them and held back from destroying them in the wilderness." Ezekiel 20

 Once again, I sat there absolutely amazed and honored to have a front row seat to the grace of God being displayed in one of his children. Marriages and families hung in the balance as the betrayed spouse considered her next steps into the future. Still dazed by the revelation and unable to shed another tear, she spoke words that so beautifully reflected the heart of Jesus. Words of forgiveness. Words of fresh starts and new paths. Wounded beyond measure? Yes. Willing to press forward? Also, yes.

The people of Israel, as revealed in Ezekiel’s writing, were a wayward and unrepentant spouse of God. The covenant of love they had entered into lay tattered to shreds at the feet of their lifeless idols. At every turn, God’s merciful calls for repentance were spurned and scorned. Nevertheless, he held back, he took pity, and withdrew his judgement. Because of God’s willingness to delay his holy and righteous justice, the people would one day return not only to the land, but more importantly to him. 

The words of Ezekiel were a stinging rebuke for God’s people then and for those who are or would want to be named among them today. Our far less than perfect lives cry out for a well deserved encounter with the wrath of God. Nevertheless, his heart of love chooses to hold back. This divine pause is not indicative of a surrender of holiness and justice. No, it is the result of Jesus offering himself to God as a perfect sacrifice for our sins. We, the guilty, rescued by He, the innocent. Have you entered into the wonder of God’s “nevertheless?” If not, today is a great day to do so. If so, has it reproduced itself in your relationships with others. Do you through humility, purity and Jesus-first living exemplify its impact? 


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