Blind Spots

"You hoped for rich harvests, but they were poor. And when you brought your harvest home, I blew it away. Why? Because my house lies in ruins, says the Lord of Heaven's Armies, while all of you are building your own fine houses." Haggai

"Who's honking?!", I asked more than a little annoyed. I looked around and was mortified to see next to me a car in the shoulder I nearly ran off the road when I changed lanes. Its happened to all of us, hasn't it? Or, at least to enough of us - the newer cars have a flashing symbol on the side view mirror to warn us. Of what? A car in our blind spot. I do not want to know how many accidents and many people have lost their lives due to driver's blind spots.

The prophet Haggai reveals to the people of Israel and to us today that blind spots are not just a reality while driving. The people who returned to Jerusalem from exile occupied their time with building nice homes, planting crops and accumulating herds. This, while they kept walking around the debris of God's destroyed temple. As a result, God withheld the rain and they seriously struggled. God then sent Haggai to tell them to get his house in order before theirs. They obeyed and God promised his blessing. 

We all have them, blind spots of all kinds. We have relational blind spots, emotional blind spots, mental blind spots, talent/gifting blind spots, attitude blind spots and to Haggai's specific point, spiritual blind spots. Have you ever wondered...Why life at times feels like a non-stop pushing of the ball uphill? Why breakthroughs remain elusive? Why prayers seem hindered? Why relationships flounder? Why affirmation doesn't come? Why peace is overrun by confusion and frustration? Perhaps it's time we start asking Jesus as well as trusted godly people in our lives if there's a blind spot or two that we desperately need to address.


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