For or Against

 "Anyone who isn't with me opposes me, and anyone who isn't working with me is actually working against me." Luke 11:14-28

I encountered a new food recently. It's called mofongo. I should have known by the name to tread lightly. Mofongo turned out to be well, let's just say, not my favorite. Well, that's a little disingenuous. I thought it was awful. Others in my family felt quite differently. They thought the mofongo was pretty good. No one seemed to be in the middle when it came to the mofongo. It was a "yum" or a "yuk". 

In the Bible verses for today, Jesus revealed an incredibly significant truth. He told the crowd that day as well as us today that when it comes to him, there's no neutral position. I liken it to a V-shaped snowplow. The snow flies one way or another. None of it can stay in the middle. Neutral ground does not exist. It's the same reality with the person of Jesus. No one can "kind of" like Jesus. Neutral means opposed.  

The implications here are staggering. As I write this and you read this, we are either right with Jesus or we are wrong with Jesus. We are either living at peace with God or we are living under his judgement. The determining factor is, you guessed it, Jesus. If we believe in him and have received the gift of forgiveness that only he can give us, we are made right with God. Only Jesus' death on the cross can deal with our sin problem. I guess the core question left for each of us to answer is, "Which side of the street do you find yourself today?"


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