Wake Up, Sleeper!

"...for it is light that makes everything visible.  This is why it is said: 'Wake up O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.'  Be very careful, then, how you live-- not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.  Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is."  Ephesians 5:14-17
Some people are morning people.  Some are not.  As we get older, responsibility and obligations do not not allow us to stay in our particular niche, but kids and teens, however, simply can't hide it.  I have two children who are night owls ... who, subsequently, are not morning people.  In their world, mornings are pure torture.  They are nothing short of angry if they have to get up before noon.  They despise being woken up and have no problem communicating that fact.  Whichever parent is charged with the unenviable task of waking them up is quick to receive barbed objections from the disgruntled slumberer.  My weapon of choice in the relentless quest to get them out of bed, much to their chagrin, is the light switch.  Light seems to pierce the thick web of unconsciousness that calls them like a siren.  Eventually, their feet hit the floor and the day has begun.
Our verses for the day paint a very similar picture of some who claim the name Christian.  Paul says that one must be very careful not to sleep on the job.  The cure for "spiritual non-morning people"? ... Light.  Specifically, the light of Jesus.  He will shine on us if we are willing to wake up.  Live wisely.  Seize the day.  The evil one is hard at work.  We should be working even harder.  Foolishness comes easy, but understanding God's will is a conscious decision that we need to make continuously.
Some of us are asleep on the job.  We are not setting the right example for our wife and children.  Maybe we have dropped out of church.  Maybe we have made room for sin.  Maybe we are pursuing something first other than God.  Maybe we have stopped caring about others finding Jesus.  I don't know.  One thing is for sure, however, life has not been given to us to sleep through.

Grace and Peace,



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