Faith in Christ

"How foolish can you be? After starting your Christian lives in the Spirit, why are you now trying to become perfect by your own human effort." Galatians 3

As my daughter's team laced up their soccer cleats for the championship game, it wasn't looking good. More than couple of the players, including my daughter, were trying to battle through their injuries. They played an aggressive attacking style that allowed them to make it this far. When the game went to halftime, they were shockingly leading by a goal. Inexplicably, the coach made a decision to stop their attack and fall back into a defensive formation. The result was completely predictable - a heart breaking loss.
The Galatian believers that Paul was writing this letter to were at a crossroads. Paul had shared the wonderful news that Jesus died on the cross for their sins, was buried and was raised to life on the third day. All who believe in him will be made right with God. They received it with great joy. However, as time went by, they began to hear that they needed to start performing for God. Follow the rules or else. Their hope and confidence drifted from Jesus and onto their performance. "How foolish," Paul told them. 
Our propensity for self-reliance and self-trust is a never-ending temptation. In a world that demands performance for acceptance, idolizes the "power within" and markets the "It's all about you" mentality, the message of Jesus sounds off key. Even if we come to terms with the need to be rescued by him, we will eventually struggle with the need to be led and empowered by him going forward. Me, myself and I keep clamoring for the spotlight. Being a Jesus follower is rooted in this bedrock truth - It's all about him.


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