Father, Forgive Them

"If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink.  In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the Lord will reward you."   Proverbs 25:21-22
Enemy.  That's a very strong word.  I have been made fun of and have been made to look bad in the eyes of others.  I have had people smile to my face and then seize the first moment do me wrong in some way.  Not very nice behavior to be sure, but "enemy"?  I listen to the stories of veterans as well as active duty military and I hear about enemies - prepared to kill you enemies.  I read stories of those suffering political, racial, ethnic, or religious persecution.  They know enemies.  I recently read of three Christians who, just a few years ago, were systematically butchered in Turkey by Islamic terrorists for nearly three hours before authorities were alerted and intervened.  They knew enemies.  After reading their story, I was filled with anger and imagined with anticipation what justice would look like for their enemies.  The wife of one of the men who was martyred for Jesus, a woman who was left with three young children, came forward in the media not to call for vengeance, but to offer forgiveness ... forgiveness to those seething with hate, those who would certainly relish the thought of getting her alone to kill her in a similar manner.  In other words, a real enemy. 
Today we read that we should care for enemies and meet their needs.  Jesus escalated the response to enemies when he told his followers to love them.  The Apostle Paul had enemies, those committed to his demise.  His fellow Jews provided most of his persecution.  His response to them? paraphrased ...  I would give up my own soul, my own salvation, if it would mean that they all would be saved.  He was willing to give up eternity with God if it meant his enemies would get it.  It's in the face of such incredible love and faith that I realize just how much of an infant I am in my walk with Jesus.
Don't have any "enemy" enemies in your face today?  Be thankful.  But, what about those you avoid and those who avoid you?  What about those who have hurt you or a loved one?  Is there a family member with whom you have "problems"?  Is there a boss or a co-worker that is running you down on a regular basis?  Is there a church family member that just irritates you for whatever reason?  Ask God to show you how you are to love them.  We are never more like Jesus than when we love those who hate us.  For those who were slowly and meticulously torturing him to death, Jesus would pray, "Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing."

Grace and Peace,



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