The Way to Grow

"...that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God,..."  Colossians 1:10
I will always remember the first time that I saw my wife walking through the dorm courtyard.  I thought, "Wow, she is someone I definitely need to get to know."  From then on, I looked for every opportunity to "run" into her.  The guys on my dorm floor had noticed her as well, so I had plenty of help keeping track of her even though they didn't know that they were a part of my wishful thinking at the time.  Thankfully, the moment finally arrived, where I was able to engage her in conversation and she became even more attractive to me.  I used every excuse that I could come up with to spend time with her in order to grow in the knowledge of and the love for her.  These 25 plus years of being in relationship with her, including dating and marriage, have ever deepened my love and commitment.  It is interesting to me how naturally that comes to guys in the arena of courtship and yet we often times struggle intensely with growing in the knowledge of God.
Given that struggle, I especially appreciate Paul's guidance here as to how it is we can grow in that knowledge.  Certainly, we pray, read the Bible, and spend time with others who are committed to God in order to get to know God more, but there is another critical path to him as well that we need to be alerted to.  Paul tells us that in the midst of obedience and the good works that obedience produces, we will grow in our knowledge of God.  Isn't that fascinating?  Obedience is the ultimate expression of love for God to be sure, but it is also a doorway through which we discover more about who God is and what he is like.  There are facets of his character and heart that will not be discovered other than through our willingness to walk in ways that please him.
With that thought in mind, today, as you listen and follow God's leading in your life, keep your eyes and ears open.  God will reveal himself to you in new and fresh ways.  And, the more we get to know God, the more we love him.  The more we love him, the greater our desire to obey him, which leads to a greater knowledge of him and a greater love for him.  It's an upward spiral that will culminate one day in Jesus' return or our passing from this life into his presence where sight will replace faith.

Grace and Peace,



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