Loving Neighbors

"Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?'  The expert in the law replied, 'The one who had mercy on him.'  Jesus told him, 'Go and do likewise.'" - Luke 10:36-37

Our home group Bible study had just finished dinner and we were beginning to settle in for a time of sharing, prayer, and study.  It was a beautiful evening and the kids were out playing.  Our neighbors were walking dogs, doing yard work or just sitting on their porches enjoying the sunset.  It was one of those Norman Rockwell moments - Americana at its finest.  Our conversation inside was lively and warm as we listened to each other's life updates and reflected on some thought provoking Bible verses.  About that time, the once distant sound of lawn mowing began to grow louder and louder.  It sounded like it was just outside the window.  The eyes of the group members told me immediately that it was in fact just outside the window.  Our yard was being mowed ... by my neighbor!  He was putting into practice the heart of what we were being challenged to do in our Bible study - Love your neighbor.  "Gee, must be nice", one of the group members said with a smile.  It is nice.  Good neighbors are a blessing to those around them. 
According to Jesus' parable of the Good Samaritan, the hallmark of his followers is their love for neighbors.  To love God is to love people.  John adds that it is simply not possible to love God and hate those around us.  The clear challenge of Jesus' parable is to dramatically alter our understanding of neighbors and neighboring.  We are not to waste time trying to determine who our neighbor is.  We are to invest our time into loving all those in our life's circle. 
All around you and I are neighbors.  They are our spouse, our kids, our extended family, our co-workers, our church family, our neighborhood members, our waitresses, our bank tellers, our ...  With each day that can be described as "today" the privilege and responsibility to neighbor is our's.  What's God's will for us today?  Be a neighbor.  After all, aren't you glad that Jesus was a neighbor to us? 
Grace and Peace,


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