God's Word

"And the Levites, too, quieted the people, telling them, 'Hush! Don't weep! For this is a sacred day.' So the people went away to eat and drink at a festive meal, to share gifts of food, and to celebrate with great joy because they had heard God's words and understood them." Nehemiah 8:11-12

Over the last several years, my level of attention and appreciation for that moment of reflection and respect during the national anthem has grown tremendously. Sure, part of it is just that natural maturing with time. However, I believe it has much more to do with the people that I've met who in some profound way have been shaped by sacrifice and duty for their country. It doesn't take too many conversations with veterans and/or active duty military personnel and their families to begin to appreciate the price of our freedoms.

In our scripture today, we see God's people re-encountering his word. As the Book of the Law was opened, all the people rose to their feet as a sign of respect and appreciation. As the words were read and explained, something remarkable began to happen. I imagine it starting with a few gasps and sighs, a sniffle, then a tear. With the proclamation of each line, the emotion in the hearts of the listeners rose. They fell to their knees as their legs gave way to the heavy conviction and truth that pierced their hearts. Soon tears began to flow and the preacher's voice was being overpowered by the sobs, weeping, and wailing. They were painfully aware that their lives and God's words were not in sync and it cut them to the heart. The leaders quickly stepped in and told them to exchange their mourning for the joy of the Lord. Today was a new day.

Sadly, many of us who claim to be followers of Jesus are losing respect for God's word instead of gaining respect for it. We avoid sharing it. We explain it away. We don't read it. We apologize for it and worst of all, we disobey it. I can trace my greatest regrets in life to those times I was furthest from his word. What about you? Perhaps it's in those moments that we have lost sight of the One who sacrificed his life to pay the price for our eternal spiritual freedom. Or, maybe we are seeing what we really believe as opposed to what we say we believe. When was the last time you or I wept at the reading of God's word?

Grace and Peace,



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