Sensory Under-load

"The word of the Lord came to me: "Son of man, you are living among a rebellious people. They have eyes to see but do not see and ears to hear but do not hear, for they are a rebellious people."
Ezekiel 12:1-2

While driving to school, my daughter asked me an odd and random question, "What do blind people see?" I looked at her quizzically and replied, "Nothing. It's just darkness." She then asked, "Wouldn't they have to have seen light to understand darkness?" "Well uh...", I responded with incredible insight. She then followed with, "Would they know what you were talking about when you describe something if they were able to see before they went blind?" Fortunately, we arrived at school before the questions escalated any further. My coffee deprived brain wasn't fully engaged yet. I suppose we'll need to ask these questions to people who are blind someday to get any genuinely insightful answers.

In our verses for the day, God, through his prophet Ezekiel, speaks to the peoples' spiritual blindness and deafness. They were not born with this blindness and deafness. It was not the result of an injury or illness. It was a blindness and a deafness created by the will. They chose to close their eyes to the sin in their lives and in their nation. They plugged their ears when confronted when God's word. They were filled with rebellion - a spirit of resistance to authority, a spirit of defiance. As a result, God told them that they would go into exile as captives.

I'm sure most of us would like to think that we would choose sight and hearing over blindness and deafness. Yet, our rationalizations and excuses as to why God's word doesn't apply in our situation betray an approaching darkness and silence. Why are we so quickly drawn from the visual radiance of the glory of God and the auditory splendor of the divine melody? Perhaps it's time for us to remove the blindfold of self and pull out the earplugs of pride. Then and only then will we be able to live in the wonder of all that the King of Kings has in store for our lives.

Grace and Peace,



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