
"And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of goodness." James 3:18

Growing up, our family was rarely without a garden. It would vary in size and variety of vegetables, but that we would have one was rarely in question. We kids were all "invited" to help with the planting, weeding, watering, and harvesting of the gardens over the years. I remember very distinctly digging in the dirt, planting the seeds, and covering them back up. I really enjoyed it. I kept quiet about that fact though, because I didn't want to get "invited" to help too often. Given that we were planting many different kinds of plants, we liked to mark the rows with a stick, to which, we would attach the empty seed packets. It was a test of my childish patience to watch the plants begin to break through the soil and take the form of the picture on the package. Eventually, however, we would enjoy a wonderful harvest.

The Bible speaks often with farming imagery in order to help us understand and appreciate certain Biblical truths. In our verse for the day, James speaks of planting and harvesting. He doesn't speak of green beans and tomatoes. He speaks of peace and goodness. When we open the seed packet of peace and plant it into our lives and into the lives of others, we will get to harvest goodness. This goodness will provide nourishment to our souls and the souls of those around us.

Today, you and I will have many opportunities to plant seeds. We will be tempted to reach into our seed packet pile and plant things like discord, envy, and selfishness. Be careful. Those seeds will produce a harvest too. Choose instead to plant peace, love, and joy. Ask yourself this question, at the end of the day, which garden would you rather eat from?

Grace and Peace,



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