Steady On

“Don't be impatient for the Lord to act! Travel steadily along his path. He will honor you, giving you the land. You will see the wicked destroyed." Psalm 37:34

"Beat the GPS" is one the many games I play to occupy my mind while driving. Ah-ha! You play that game too, don't you? The ETA listed on the GPS is not simply a nice feature, it is a time that must be crushed! Arriving anytime even remotely close to the original arrival time is a defeat of unacceptable proportions. O no, as soon as that time pops up, it's on! Needless to say, there are some unfortunate side effects to this misplaced conquer at all costs obsession - uncomfortable passengers, stern spousal warnings, visits from officer friendly and the like. Yet, I continue. After all, the GPS started it!

David apparently understood our proclivity for impatience. We really don't have to rush around like the whole world is on fire. Patience. Steady. Why? First, God will act in his perfect timing. Second, honor and victory are found on God's path, not ours.

Go ahead. Take a deep breath. Now, steady on.

Grace and Peace,



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