His Hand

"Help me, O Lord my God; save me in accordance with your love.  Let them know that it is your hand, that you, O Lord, have done it." Psalm 109:26-27

After recounting an amazing story of healing my friend was asked, "How did that happen?"  The answer was short and oh so sweet, "God."  The doctor who had told him that he only had months to live died years ago, while he continues to live an active life.  Truly remarkable.

The writer of these verses would have smiled if he would have heard that story.  That's what he wanted.  He didn't just want to be saved.  He wanted to be saved in accordance to God's love and in such a way that it could only be explained by the hand of God.    

Each of us in one way or another are seeking to be saved today.  Very few of us, however, are asking or looking for a God-sized moment.  We'll try to save ourselves or try to find someone else to bail us out and in so doing, we leave no room for God's love or God's hand.  We leave no room for a remarkable life.

Grace and Peace,



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