Respond or React?

"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but harsh words stir up anger."  Proverbs 15:1

Once while we were traveling, we stopped at a truck plaza for the usual: snacks, restroom and gas.  I noticed when I came to the counter where my wife was asking the clerk some questions and paying for the snacks that a drunk man was there also.  He was talking to my wife and judging by the reactions, I was convinced immediately that the comments were inappropriate.  I came up between them and asked if everything was okay.  Very gently and calmly she took my arm as she said, "yes" and led me out the door.

The author of the proverb for the day had seen enough human interactions go awry to be able to identify a common theme.  Challenging situations can go from bad to worse.  They can also go from bad to better.  The key factor?  Did the parties involved respond or react?  Reactions are what we say and do before we think things through.  Responses are well-considered words and actions that help move situations towards positive endings.

We choose between these two multiple times a day.  Thankfully, our lives can be tempered by God's word and God's Spirit to such a degree that we begin to respond more and more like Jesus.

Grace and Peace,



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