
"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my spokesman to the world. ... for you must go wherever I send you and say whatever I tell you."  Jeremiah 1:5,7b 

I've never said to myself, "Wouldn't it be great to be a press secretary or spokesman for a major political figure?" Honestly, what a terrible job! Everytime you stand up to speak, at least half of the people already hate you. Everyone is waiting to pounce on any poorly worded statement. Each word is dissected, twisted, misinterpreted, or taken out of context to fit the agenda of a particular reporter or editor. In addition to all the negativity, how would one even know if they were successful? It's just plain depressing. No wonder there's such a turnover in that job.

Welcome to Jeremiah's world. He was God's spokesman to a people who had no interest in what God had to say. Most of his preaching and prophesies were of God's looming judgment upon the people. For forty years, he served God faithfully and was rewarded with opposition, beatings, isolations and imprisonment. One might conclude that Jeremiah was a dismal failure, but that conclusion couldn't be more wrong. Temporary worldly success has absolutely nothing to do with eternal spiritual success. By remaining a faithful servant of God, Jeremiah was and is a super star in the Kingdom of God.  

Today, you and I may not find ourselves on the cover of any magazine. We might not be having anyone ask for our autogragh. We may be able to keep the balance of our bank accounts on our fingers and toes. No one may be looking to us for orders. BUT ... the faithful servant of Jesus lives before a great cloud of cheering witnesses in the heavenly realms. They are laying up for themselves treasures in heaven. They will enter into an eternal glory that outshines anything that this world has to offer. Now THAT is success.

Grace and Peace,

Tom Wiles


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