
"Dear brothers and sisters, I love you and long to see you, for you are my joy and the reward for my work. So please stay true to the Lord, my dear friends."  Philippians 4:1 

I used to watch the Chicago Cubs play baseball when I was a kid. I grew up near Chicago and WGN was one of the few channels we had so Harry Carey and the Cubs were my team. Their inability to win a world series title has now spanned over 100 years, the last being 1908. I don't watch the Cubs anymore. There are too many other channels these days and frankly, I've received no encouragment to remain true. Call me a fair weather fan if you will, but seriously ... 106 years?!

Paul, in closing his letter to his dear friends, was thinking about remaining true as well. His concern was in regards to something infinitely more significant than baseball. He was talking about their commitment to Jesus. "Stay true." The conversation could have continued along these lines, "Remain loyal. Don't be distracted. Don't lose sight of the only thing that is going to matter when you stand before God ... your relationship with Jesus. Live for him with the same love he showed when he died for you."

As in my unwillingness to remain loyal or true to a baseball team, being fickle with our loyalty seems to be a pattern in our world. When the pleasing of self becomes the highest objective, staying true turns optional. Perhaps, it's time for all of us to examine our loyalties these days. We know where Jesus stands in his loyalty to us, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." He's staying true. Are we?

Grace and Peace,

Tom Wiles


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