
“Now Christ has gone to heaven. He is seated in the place of honor next to God, and all the angels and authorities and powers accept his authority." I Peter 3:22

There have been more times than I care to admit where I've had an authority problem. And like the lyric to a famous song I've discovered, "When I fight authority, authority always wins." It doesn't matter if I get caught or not. Rebellion has never served me well. Sooner or later, I come to regret those decisions that represent me demanding my way particularly those that run contrary to Jesus' instructions.

In our verse for the day, Peter provides us with a glimpse behind the curtain into the throne room of God. Jesus is there seated in the place of honor next to God. Angels are there. Authorities and powers are there too. In the world unseen to us, there is no confusion as to who is in charge. They all get it. Jesus rules. 

Meanwhile, back here on earth, a battle rages. There are pretenders vying for authority. There are no shortage of options for who or what will be sitting on the throne of our lives. When we stand behind the curtain, the contest will be over. Once again, Jesus rules. Today, we're given a choice. Choose wisely.

Grace and Peace,

Tom Wiles


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