
“So now the Lord pleads, 'Stop right where you are! Look for the old, godly way and walk in it. Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls. But you reply, 'No, that's not the road we want!'"  Jeremiah 6:16

I've made it a point recently to go for drives with no particular place to go. No time crunch. No agenda. Just open windows and radio on. I'll turn somewhere thinking, "I wonder where this road leads." Off I go to find out. I've learned that every road ends up somewhere even if it's nowhere ... as in a dead end.  

Through his prophet Jeremiah, God spoke about paths and roads too. We never just end up somewhere. We've made numerous choices along the way that have taken us exactly where we are right now. God told his people that the godly way, the right path laid out by God himself is the one that leads to a rest-filled soul. Yet, we reject it. "That's not the road I want!", we say.

What's the condition of your heart these days? Restless? Anxious? Weary? Jesus said, "Come to me all of you who are weary and burdened and you will find rest for your souls." Sound familiar? Jesus is the way, the road to rest regardless of our current circumstances.What course correction has he been giving you that you have been saying, "I don't want to go that way!"? The time has come for us to adjust our lives. It's time to refuse anything less than his best.

Grace and Peace,

Tom Wiles


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