
“Praise the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has visited his people and redeemed them. He has sent us a mighty Savior from the royal line of his servant David, just as he promised through his holy prophets long ago." Luke 1:68-70

Visiting people is something we're all familiar with. We love when people come and visit us. We share life, build friendships and just laugh together. Life is meant to be shared. It's meant to be celebrated. Visiting gives us that opportunity. When we either leave someone else's home or they ours, we feel a fullness in our hearts.   

Zechariah was no different. Jesus showed up at his doorstep, a welcome visitor. He was only an infant at the time, but nevertheless there he was. Zechariah came alive. He couldn't contain himself so he just started praising. "Here he is! Our Savior! It's happening exactly the way God told us it would!" He celebrated his promise keeping God. His soul came alive. This visit from Jesus fueled the fire in his soul. He was changed. He was at peace.  

Many find a visit from Jesus unsettling. He, the Savior, by virtue of his presence, confronts us with the reality that we need to be saved, to be rescued. Our pride struggles with that truth. However, once we embrace his visit and place our trust in him for forgiveness and peace with God, our hearts come alive! Life and life to the fullest is ours! So, turn the porch light on. Unlock the front door. Prepare for the one Visitor you will never want to leave.

Grace and Peace,



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