Wise Words

“Some people make cutting remarks, but the words of the wise bring healing." Proverbs 12:18 


The undeniable truth about words is that once they leave our mouth, there is no way to take them back. What is said cannot be unsaid. I sure wish I could go back and "unsay" many things. I've spoken in anger, in frustration, disappointment and hurt. What about you? On the flip side, I have received my share of ugly words as well. It doesn't feel good at all. Is there any hope for us?  


The writer of this Proverb made these same observations thousands of years ago. Those who say the Bible has nothing to say about living today simply are not reading it. He contrasts cutting or wounding words with healing words. He reveals the secret between speaking one kind and not the other ... wisdom. A person of wisdom is positioned to speak healing words.


Which type of words are the pattern in your life? How can we mature in wisdom so that we are speaking words of healing far more often than cutting words? We are told in this very same collection of proverbs, "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." Wisdom is cultivated as we seek and follow God. It's in pursuit of him that our words will bring healing refreshment to all those around us.


Grace and Peace,




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