
"I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me." Psalm 16:8

As soon as the words "always" and "never" leave my mouth, I start to get a little nervous. Something inside of me starts to question the veracity of the statement, particularly in the context of a spirited conversation with my sweetheart. Those words tend to be overstatements for dramatic purposes, but not always...

In our verse for the day, the Psalmist uses the word "always" in an appropriate way. The context? An attribute and a promise of God. God is omnipresent, everywhere present at the same time. He is faithful to his promise to never leave us. This attribute and this promise result in something that we cannot experience any other way. ... We become unshakeable.

I don't know about you, but when I get unnerved, I tend to be looking at everything other than God's ever-presence. His word is clear. He's with us, always has been, always will be. My feelings of aloneness don't change the facts. He has me and I have him. There is true stability in knowing and walking with God ... Always.

Grace and Peace,



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