
"...for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. ... I have learned the secret of living in every situation ... For I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." Philippians 4:11-13

The other day I caught myself complaining about car repairs. ... "Brakes again!? I'll bet brake manufacturers and mechanics have a sweet deal worked out between them. Every time I turn around I'm paying for brake work!" About that time, I was reminded of the many people in our community who I've seen in their work clothes walking the miles down the highway just to get to work.

Paul, while grateful for this church's support, wanted to teach them the secret to contentment, that being the strength of Jesus. It's easy to see everything we don't have, but very difficult to see that which we do have. We haven't embraced the secret yet. Paul tells us: Jesus is all we need. We think we need more. This world and our enemy work very hard to convince us we need more. Paul tells us our Savior is the more.

What's our contentment gauge reading today. "Full." "Feeling sorry for myself." "Depends on who I'm with." I don't know what your answer is today, but mine is clearly, "Not where it should be." Contentment needs to be fed and watered. Daily give God thanks and praise for all he is, all he's done, and all he's given. Life is not meant to be grumbled through.

Grace and Peace,



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