
"Though the Lord is great, he cares for the humble, but he keeps his distance from the proud." Psalm 138:6

Like all other couples, my wife and I have experienced times and seasons of closeness as well as distance. Interestingly, very few if any of them had anything to do with our physical proximity at the time. We've been in the same room and even in the same bed, yet remained light years apart. On the flip side, we've been separated by half the globe, yet remained indivisibly connected. The difference? The heart.  

David observes in his Psalm that the Lord is near and distant from people as well. The difference? Again, the heart. The humble are near to God. They're close enough to come under his care. The proud are far from him. This distance we read in other places in the Bible is not innocuous. No, those who are separated from God by their pride are actively opposed by God. Yikes! 

We're all in need of a heart exam. Has pride wrapped its ugly tentacles around our heart driving us to a me-centered life as opposed to a God-centered life? This life is tough enough as it is. Why make it so much more difficult by distancing ourselves from God with pridefulness? It's time to go to our knees before him and plead for his mercy. Thankfully, as David discovered, it's there where he is close. It's also there where we come under his care.

Grace and Peace,



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