
"I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish you were one or the other! But since you are like lukewarm water, I will spit you out of my mouth!" Revelation 3:15-16

Cold milk is the best. It's so good, until it warms up. Ugh! So strong is my aversion to room temperature milk that I will use ice cubes to keep it cold. I'll put ice in my glass. I'll even put ice in my cereal bowl so the milk stays super cold. On the other hand, my coffee has to be hot. I know cold coffee is a thing now, but not for me. Once cool, it's either down the drain or in the microwave. Milk is to be cold and coffee hot. Middle of the road is simply no good.

In speaking to this church, Jesus used a powerful picture to get their attention, which highlighted hot, cold and lukewarm drinks. Many believe Jesus was contrasting this city's water supply with water from two surrounding cities: Hierapolis - known for its medicinal hot springs and Colossae - known for its pure cold drinking water. Laodicea's water was lukewarm, abundant and bad.

To be lukewarm is to be ineffective, passionless, and unfit for kingdom use. Strong words to be sure. This church was in trouble. Jesus was spitting them out of his mouth. Interestingly, they were feeling very good about themselves. This letter was a rude awakening. So, the question begs to be asked, are we hot/cold or are we lukewarm?   

Grace and Peace,



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