
"When the inner curtain is in place, put the Ark of the Covenant behind it. This curtain will separate the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place." Exodus 26:33

I wanted to go in. Certainly the view would be better. The company would interesting to be sure -- VIP only. You've seen it too. Perhaps a concert or a sporting event. "Reserved Seating Only." You needed the right badge or the right connections. I'm fully aware that there are numerous functions in this world to which I will never receive an invitation. I'm separated from who's who and I'm perfectly okay with that and here's why...

Moses was given very specific instructions about the tabernacle which would serve as the central place of worship for the people of Israel for hundreds of years. The Most Holy Place could only be accessed by the High Priest and then only once a year. The focal point of God's presence kept separated from the people. Any violation was met with immediate judgment. Thankfully, the story doesn't end there...

When Jesus died on the cross, the curtain in the Temple separating people from the Most Holy Place was torn in half. No longer is there a barrier between God and those who both love him and are loved by him. Jesus took the sin away. The invitation is now, "Enter here!" For all who believe, access is granted to the One who is above all others, our Creator and our Savior. So, what are we waiting for? Let's enter boldly into his presence! 


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