"All whose hearts were stirred and whose spirits
were moved came and brought their sacred offerings to the Lord. They brought
all the materials needed for the tabernacle, for the performance of it's
rituals, and for the sacred garments. Both men and women came, all whose hearts
were willing. They brought to the Lord their offerings of gold -- brooches,
earrings, rings from their fingers, and necklaces. They presented gold objects
of every kind as a special offering to the Lord." Exodus 35:21-22
As a parent of a Riley's Hospital baby,
I find it very easy to donate when the clerks behind the counter ask if I'll
donate my change or a dollar to Riley's. I don't know for sure what's done with
that money. I've never taken the time to research the money trail. Our
daughter was treated the best so I choose to simply assume the best and
give. The love we were shown causes me to check my cynicism at the door.
The people of Israel were invited to
give the necessary supplies for the tabernacle. They were not forced or
threatened. They simply chose to. They were willing and understandably so. They
witnessed God's magnificent displays of power. They experienced the impossible
time and time again as God, with love, moved graciously on their behalf.
When the invitation was issued to participate in the building of the place of
worship, they were more than willing to give. Eventually, they had to be told
to stop as they generously exceeded what was needed.
Each day I marvel with
gratitude that Jesus was willing to come to earth and die on the cross for my
sins and yours. We have been given much so we have much to give. The giving of
our time, talents and treasures are concrete testimonies of our love and
appreciation for all God has given and done for us. He doesn't demand it
from us. He invites us to participate -- if we're willing. What do our
schedules, pocketbooks, and expressions of our talents reveal about our
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