A Gift

"When people work, their wages are not a gift, but something they have earned. But people are counted as righteous, not because of their work, but because of their faith in God who forgives sinners." Romans 4:4-5

As a caddie at a private golf club, every dollar I received was a hard dollar. Carrying bags for 18 holes as a 12 year old was tough. Chasing carts and tracking 4 golf balls wasn't any easier. This happened only after I rode my bike down the train tracks for two miles and waited in the caddie shack for who knows how long just to get in line for golfers to request caddies. Between the attitudes and the disappointing tips, I chose to retire early.

Many places in the Bible extol the value of hard work. However, here Paul very clearly communicates that the most valuable of all things, salvation, is a gift not a wage. We can earn many things and that's great, but heaven is not one of them. Nope, Jesus paid for our forgiveness. He purchased our pardon. He gives. We humbly receive. 

If working for God's approval is still a treadmill you're running on, it's time to pull the plug. He loves you. He sent Jesus to rescue you. He says, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved." Lives of obedience. Lives of surrender. Lives of sacrifice and generosity are lives lived to tell God, "Thank you." They are not lived for some eternal paycheck. Take a deep breath. Jesus has got you covered.


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