I Believe

"So take courage! For I believe God. It will be just as he said." Acts 27:25

I didn't believe him at first. After all, he's kind of joker. The story? He claimed a lady, while at the buffet table at our wedding reception, leaned over to scoop up some food. Unfortunately, in doing so, her hair, filled with hair spray, got too close to the candles and went up in flames! He then told me that he took his plate of jello and smashed it on her head to put out the fire. "Yea ... right," I thought to myself. However, later on I saw this same lady with an ice pack on her head visibly shaken by what most certainly had been a hair burning, jello smashing experience!

Paul in our story for the day, made it very clear about what he thought when God spoke to him, "I believe it!" He never second guessed a word from God. When God spoke, it was go time. It was courage time. For as he had seen again and again, "It will be just as he said." 

God speaks to us in many ways - the Bible, circumstances, other believers, and the Holy Spirit. I understand it's not like Paul's angelic visitor, although God, if he wanted, could do that too. However, I don't believe our biggest problem is information. I believe it's a lack of faith, an unwillingness to trust in what God has revealed and what he is revealing. Faith gives birth to courage. Doubt gives birth to fear. Which one best describes our lives today? 


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