"Praise the Lord, the God of our ancestors, who made the
king want to beautify the Temple of the Lord in Jerusalem! And praise him for
demonstrating such unfailing love to me by honoring me before the king,
his council, and all his mighty nobles! I felt encouraged because the gracious
hand of the Lord my God was upon me. And I gathered some of the leaders of
Israel to return with me to Jerusalem."
It shouldn't surprise me anymore, but it still stirs my
soul every time it happens. On occasion, I pray for something so
specific to a moment in time, to a person, to a unique situation and
then God, in ways only he can, makes it happen. I've learned that both
the nudge to pray for that very particular request is coming from him and so
is the answer. Amazing! The goal, I believe, is to encourage my faith.
Ezra found himself in one of those head-scratching jumping for
joy moments. Here he was a subject to a pagan king, who could command his
execution on a whim, found himself in an overflowing stream of blessing.
Authority, money, provision and protection were all handed over
to him to ensure that the worship of God and intercession for the king would
take place without hindrance. The goal? To encourage his faith.
God is a faith builder. He wants his people to grow in their
trust of him and their willingness to obey him. With courage comes
victory. With courage comes Kingdom expansion. What is God nudging you to pray
for these days? What step of faith is he asking you to take? When you do, he will
move in unmistakable ways. The goal? To encourage your faith.
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