Do Not Neglect

"'My sons, do not neglect your duties any longer! The Lord has chosen you to stand in his presence, to minister to him, and to lead the people in worship and present offerings to him.' Then these men got right to work: ..." II Chronicles 29:11-12a

The boss of our asphalt crew knew what we could do. He'd leave the site to go make a plan for the next job knowing full well everything would get done right. We shoveled. We swept. We raked. We rolled. We tamped. We cleaned. Truthfully, we made him look good. To be fair, it took two years of coaching and yelling for us to fully get our duties squared away, but when we did, it was fun to see in action.

King Hezekiah was a good king. He loved God. He knew that those responsible to lead the nation in worship had been delinquent in their responsibilities. It was time for that to come to an end. He called them out. He reminded them of their great role in the community of Israel. Stand. Minister. Lead. Present. They responded by stepping up to their duties with true passion.  

We all have duties too. Love and respect your spouse. Train your children. Love your neighbor. Work hard. Steward well. Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness. Share the good news of Jesus. Give. Put others first. These are some of our core responsibilities before God. It's time for us to stop neglecting our duties and get right to work too.  

Grace and Peace,



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