
"Know this: A homeowner who knew exactly when a burglar was coming would stay alert and not permit the house to broken into. You also must be ready all the time. For the Son of Man will come when least expected." Matthew 24:43-44

I really like frozen pizza. Granted, it's not the healthiest of fare, but ... I really like frozen pizza. I have noticed over the years, however, there is a real art to cooking it correctly. Too short and it's chewy. Too long and it's a charred cracker. You have to watch carefully to make sure you take it out when it's ready. Great attentiveness results in a delicious dining experience. Did I mention I really like frozen pizza? 

Jesus was a big advocate of being ready. His concern was not food but faith. He was very clear in his teaching that the story of what is to come includes him returning in power. His followers not only needed to know that, but they also needed to be ready for it by living faithfully, obediently and lovingly. Those who do so will herald his arrival and not shrink back from it.

The imminent return of Jesus gets a lot more lip service than life service. That's too bad. Many blessings are forfeited now and later by accepting a posture of unpreparedness. Do we really believe Jesus is coming back? What would be going on in the life of someone who you would say is ready for his return? Hmm ... are those things true of you? 


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